5 Greatest WWE Champions of All Time

1 Bret Hart

The best there is! There best there was! And the best there ever will be! Bret “The Hitman” Hart’s legacy was unfortunately tainted by conspiracy and tragedy. Nonetheless, he is often recognized and highly-respected for being one of the greatest WWE (or WWF, as it was known at the time) champions.

2 Undertaker
After losing his Wrestlemania streak to Brock Lesnar, his legacy may have been slightly tarnished. Nevertheless, Mark Calloway — or, The Undertaker as you probably know him — will be beloved and remembered by fans for many years for his fantastic contribution to sports-entertainment.

3 CM Punk

Seemingly retired at the ripe old age of..35, Phillip Brooks managed to inject life into an era of wrestling soon after its most formidable and commercially successful years. As impressive on the microphone as he was in the ring, we commend him for being not only an incredible wrestler but also one of the greatest to ever hold the WWE champuonship

Greatest WWE

4 Steve Austin

What can you say about a legend like Stone Cold Steve Austin? He drank beer, had incredible charisma, and was one of the most beloved wrestlers of all time. Despite his un-sensational in-ring ability, Steve Austin is definitely an unforgettable character and undoubtedly one of the best to have lifted the WWE title.

Greatest WWE

5 The Rock

Now a successful actor, Dwayne Johnson captured the hearts of millions as “The most electrifying man in sports-entertainment”. During the famous “Attitude Era”, he wore the gold several times. Another grappler with incredible charisma, we had to include him on this list.

Greatest WWE